Watch me shrink!

My Family

My Family
Progress Photos
Highest and Lowest (So far) Comparison Photos
With a little help from my friends

My inspiration and support.

My family on Thanksgiving Day 2006.
Zach, William, David, Mary, Rachel

My family has been such a source of strength for me throughout this journey.  My husband, David, and children, Zach (17), Rachel (15) and William (7), have all given me such tremendous support.  They are wonderful!

Mary and David in Tucson - Spring Break 2006

This photo of me and David was taken during Spring Break, 2006 We were in Tucson visiting David's parents.  I am down almost 90 pounds here. 
My husband is my best friend and has loved me regardless of my size.  He's never known me thin, but I'm sure he'll love me when I get there  :o)
David is a 1st grade school teacher. He really enjoys teaching children in the younger grades, because they have such a wonderful curiousity and eagerness to learn.

Zach catching air.

Zach with a few of his broken skateboards.

Zach and a friend in Seaside, Oregon.

Zach is an amazing athlete.  His passions are skateboarding, snowboarding, and tennis. He practices skateboarding constantly and can do some astounding tricks. He is getting in as much snowboarding as possible now that snow is in the mountains again. He plays bass guitar and has started a band with a few friends. They practice after school at our house.

Rachel before Winter Ball 2005

Rachel at RadCon 2006.

Rachel with her newest hair color.

Rachel has a lot of interests, which include acting, singing, reading and watching movies. She is very active in school this year and is involved in French Club, Drama Club, Key Club, Prosser Young Life, and a mentoring program. She also volunteers at the local animal shelter.

William enjoying the snow.

William at the beach in Seaside, Oregon.

William in Tucson, Arizona.

William is enjoying 1st grade. He is making lots of new friends this year. His passions are Legos, Star Wars, the Lego Star Wars videogames (what could be better) and books. He joined Cub Scouts this year and goes to weekly meetings with a group of Tiger Scouts.